by Gen Dobson | Apr 23, 2015 | Credit Cards, Credit History, credit repair, Debt Relief, Default, Degrees of Success, Student Loan Consolidation, Student Loan Debt, student loan payment options, Uncategorized
Do You Know The Real Secrets Behind Debt? For many Americans, debt is an inevitable part of life. You get a credit card, you pay it when you can. You buy a car and try your best to make a payment. You take out a loan for college and try to delay paying on it as...
by Gen Dobson | Jul 24, 2013 | Bad Credit, Credit Cards, Credit History, Credit Report, Credit Score, Debt, Debt Management, Debt Relief, Default, Delinquency, FICO, Good Credit, Late Payments, Uncategorized
Your Credit-Whats On It? By Genevieve Dobson I was honored to be a guest blogger for Black in the Bay this month and want to share with my readers what their readers were able to learn. Below you will get to read all about your credit, your credit score and how it...