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Student Loan Debt Can Cost You More Than You Think

Everyone knows that student loan debt can cause irreparable damage to credit scores. It can make it hard to do basic things like owning a home or background checks for jobs. Student loan borrowers who default on their debts face are now facing a much more life...

Graduation is Fast Approaching

For many of you, it is time to put on that cap and gown and make your way to the stage that signifies a conclusion to all of your hard work. This has been a long road for most of you, but now it is time to rejoice because you DID IT! Unfortunately, there is one catch,...

Private Student Loan Relief Has Finally Arrived

Private Student Loan Relief Has Finally Arrived  Private student loans have been a serious problem for those in debt who aren't making the salary they expected.  By now you probably know that you can get deferment, forbearance or even a payment based on your income...

Revealing the Secrets to Tackling your Debt

The 7 Payment Plan Options Paying off your debt can seem like a never ending battle. I compare it to walking up an escalator in the wrong direction, you see where you are going, but you feel like you will never get there. Some people feel like they are the only ones...

Understanding who Qualifies for Student Loan Forgiveness

If you don't think your debt can be erased you may be surprised By Genevieve Dobson In a world of information misinformation can spread like a wild fire.  Most people think that you have to be a police officer or fireman or really poor to qualify for forgiveness and...

Failing Successfully: Life after Debt

You are not your debt! By Genevieve Dobson As the founder of a student loan debt management company I decided it was important I write a book so my clients, my friends and all those interested in really understanding student loan debt could get to know me and how...

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