The idea of having to pay back your student loans can be a very cumbersome thought. It’s hard to resist the compulsion to bury your head in the sand in hopes that it will go away. Remember, this is the most common mistake that borrowers make in regards to managing their student loans; that is, ignoring their debt. The best way to combat this urge is by creating an actionable plan, and acting on it.
Degrees of Success is a debt management company that can implement your first course of action. We help borrowers with student loan debt by decreasing their monthly payments and qualifying them for forgiveness options where available. We also provide a variety of online resources where you can access and manage all of your loan information from the convenience of your home. Our resources include popular sites like Fastweb, FAFSA, NSLDS, and a range of FREE credit report options.
Other tools that are equally important to your success, that you may not be familiar with are Federal Student Aid, Quizzle, and the Amortization Calculator (Excel download).
- Federal Student Aid answers questions like: How do I prepare for College? Do I qualify for aid? How do I manage my loans? This website provides a wealth of knowledge to help you assess the types of aid you may qualify for, your financial aid eligibility, college costs, and other important information. All the information you need to inform your major college decisions is conveniently located in one place.
- Quizzle is among the highly suggested credit report services we offer in the resource section of our website. Like Credit Karma, Quizzle is a free credit report service that offers free home value estimates, free credit reports/scores, and free home loan and credit recommendations. Credit Karma is generally preferred over Quizzle, yet Quizzle is a legitimate alternative. Quizzle has been recommended by prestigious newspapers such as The Wall Street Journal and USA TODAY, and popular weblog, Lifehacker.
- According to InvestingAnswers, amortization “is an accounting term that refers to the process of allocating the cost of an intangible asset over a period of time” and, equally, “to the repayment of loan principal over time.” To create an Amortization Schedule/Calculator is simply to estimate and document your monthly loan payments over time. We create one for you! In the resource section of our website, you can download our FREE Amortization Calculator as an Excel spreadsheet.